Power Among Peers: A Unique Coaching Success Story
Executive coaching, and practicing and developing skills rolled into a learning pod for high potentials made this a successful case of leadership development.
Ready, Set, Lead
Realizing that not enough women leaders were being considered for executive positions, a global financial services company considered the current state of its organizational culture and its readiness for change.
Supporting a Substantial Restructure and Delayering
A global ingredient solutions company was anticipating a substantial restructure and delayering that was both financially driven and based on organizational design change.
Healthy Leadership, Healthy Team, Healthy ROI
The CEO of a large health insurance subsidiary recognized the value of executive coaching and team optimization for his direct line reports as they led the organization through a culture change and major business transformation.
Providing Outplacement Services with Consistency & Responsiveness
When a global real estate company (with many long-tenured individuals and cross-organizational relationships) needed a new career transition service provider, they searched for a firm with consistency and responsiveness.
Providing a Comprehensive Global Outplacement Program
A global hospitality company sought a provider with seamless national and global outplacement services and a premium on high-touch coaching, as well as a robust reporting platform delivering timely, accurate, detailed information.
Increasing Retention, Engagement & Advancement of Leaders Within Underrepresented Groups
A leading tax services firm sought to build their leadership pipeline with a comprehensive approach to identify high-potential talent in underrepresented groups.
The Impact of Diverse, Equitable & Inclusive Leadership
The CEO of the largest line of business within this leading professional services firm sought a partner to help stop the attrition of diverse talent in mid-level positions and to create a more cohesive and inclusive culture among the leadership.
Increasing Retention of High-Talent Women Leaders
One of the largest professional services firms in the world sought to increase its retention of talented women leaders and build its pipeline of future partner talent.
Accelerating High-Potential Leaders for Succession
A large financial services firm sought to develop leaders who had been identified in a succession planning process and would be able to drive change, influence others, develop strategy, articulate a vision, and build strategic relationships across business units.
Flipped Learning for Senior Leaders to Optimize Time & Impact
A global financial services firm sought an expert leadership development/coaching partner to create, build, and facilitate a custom leadership development program for 16 of its senior Investment Management leaders.
A High-Potential Leadership Program for Succession Management
A global QSR company sought to reignite a long-standing high-potential, cohort-based leadership program for General Manager succession.