Featured Articles in HBR's Women at Work Guide
In industries across the country, women earn lower salaries, are less likely to be promoted, and make up a small percentage of key leadership roles. How can women break through these barriers and achieve their desired career goals? The HBR Guide for Women at Work, published by the Harvard Business Review Press, helps answer that question with articles from leading experts in the industry.
Within the guide, the Harvard Business Review featured five articles written by Flynn Heath Holt. We are excited to be recognized as an influential voice on women in the workplace. We are even more excited to share our research and findings with working women everywhere to help them understand and overcome the barriers holding them back.
We are even more excited to share our research and findings with working women everywhere to help them understand and overcome the barriers holding them back.
Excerpts from HBR Guide for Women at Work
“We’ve seen it over and over again: Women fail to get promoted because they fail to step up and apply. It feels personally risky to ask for a big job or assignment—but there’s really no other way. Not asking means you’ve lost the chance to influence the outcome.”
-“Why You Aren’t Noticed for your Accomplishments”
“Women who do their homework and come to a meeting with an accurate sense of what it’s really about and how it will probably unfold can build on others’ remarks. Being armed with some cogent comments or questions can allow them to move the conversation forward.”
-“Women, Find Your Voice”
“Don’t doubt your ability to wield influence. Are systemic barriers still stacked against us? Yes. But accumulating influence requires big, bold ideas. So we coach women executives to think bigger, aim higher, and own their vision.”
-“Three Ways Women Can Rethink Office Politics”
The authors have also written two award winning best sellers, Break Your Own Rules and The Influence Effect. Purchase your copy from Amazon.
To order your copy of the HBR Guide for Women at Work visit www.HBR.org.