Bravanti helps leaders, people, and organizations find the power within to lead bravely and be prepared to meet challenges and seize opportunities in a continually uncertain business environment. Our name is forged from brave – to face challenges with courage and conviction and avanti – a rallying cry to move forward into the future. Bravanti means to go courageously forward, leading bravely and focused on igniting bold futures.
Our services include outplacement/career transition services, including executive advisory, internal mobility, and Next Act, as well as services in executive coaching, executive team optimization, new leader and team acceleration, and leadership acceleration – especially for women and underrepresented groups.
Our VALUES drive everything we do
A hunger and drive to do great work always
Unequivocal qualities we demand of ourselves and deliver to our clients
Extraordinary client experiences and results that make a difference
Loyalty and reliability that fuel lasting relationships

What WE DO
The relationship between an organization and its people is complex.
We believe sustainable business success requires simplifying that relationship by balancing the needs and contributions of the organization with the needs and contributions of each individual employee. This is our firm philosophy and the framework through which we approach every engagement.
From outplacement to leadership acceleration to executive coaching, Bravanti helps people and organizations understand each other’s mutual perspectives and work together for sustainable growth. Successful organizations work to understand and meet the needs of their people. Successful employees actively develop and align their personal value proposition with the changing needs of their organization and the market. Let us show you how our approach can help you achieve your goals.
Client Services Team
Sandy Davies, CMF
Vice President, Outplacement & Career Transition Programs & Services
Amy Geltner
Vice President, Outplacement &
Career Transition Operations
Linda Piva
Career Transition Specialist, Client Services
Kevin Pallardy
Senior Advisor & Consultant
Mark Rossi
Vice President, Career Services
Ron Sipiora
Senior Vice President
Courtney Judy
Career Transition Specialist
Who We Are